i love how it feels so good everyday.
i can't go wrong when i'm with you.
why didn't i meet you earlier.
i love how you make me walk with a bounce in my step.
now i can't get enough of it.
i love my asics
8 is a lucky number right? so i guess its befitting that i now have 8 pairs in my closet. OHYEAHH! love my new gt2110 runners so much i could wear em everyday. the other shoes may not see the light of day for some time haha. alright 8 is a lucky number but isn't 9 kinda good too? 9 - 'jiu' in mandarin, sounds the same as longevity. hmmm... number 9, here i come haha
okay i think that verse is quite crappy but whatever haha. just know that i appreciate my friends better now. both my old mates from cathigh and the new people i've met. last time i was fine with being left alone. it came quite easily for me, being an only child. but after throwing myself more into the world, and making some really close friends, i realise i can't do without friends now. only having myself for company gets boring after awhile. without my phone, without msn and without school, i can say i'd be seriously bored haha. not only that, i'd feel kinda empty cos recycling my own thoughts in my head ain't that fun. i need input from others, be it utter crap or heartfelt talks, everything is welcome.
so yeah i'm opening up more now. i guess that's good. but there's still something in the back of my head..its been pushed there and barely even touched. i don't know if that's the right thing to do...i guess only time will tell. hope there'll be a good ending for it. till then peace out and we will return to regular h-h-h-HOCK-UNIT transmission soon haha
well although it was fun, i kinda wish sometimes that our class shows some more together-ness (yes i know that word doesnt exist but bear with me). its sad when having 6 people on a class outing is the average, and we don't even have outings that often. i know some people are making an effort, but it takes more than that. wouldn't it be nice if we get to have fun together, as opposed to having tiny groups always sticking together... c'mon i know y'all ain't antisocial people who don't like to mix around. if there're any misconceptions that exist, discard them all. i'm sure everyone in the class wants to mix. we just need to have everyone acknowledge that. once we know that its a multiparty-lateral-conjoined-coexisting-whatevermumbojumbo-consensus, we can proceed with chilling and having a good time together. that sound alright? i sure hope so.
1. nick
2. cerise
3. seng
4. leon
5. wai ling
6. hum
7. jingjie
8. derek lee
9. minyi
10. clara lee
11. alex
12. wanda
13. may ee
14. hwee ming
15. dev
So what do you think of number 4?
haha my brother right there..one of the best pals ya can get
How would you feel if number 15 slapped you on your face?
probably slap him back haha
On a scale of 1-10, rate how good looking number 5 is.
ooooooh... very good haha
How nice is number 6?
not nice at all. a total rat and spineless being. just playin haha. even rats and ghosts can be nice every now and then
Will you ever fall for number 11?
hell no. i'm straight through and through
What sport would you play with number 12?
um maybe swimming? haha but i'd get thrashed for sure
What if number 1 got a girlfriend?
that'd be cool..but losing another guy from the singles team is always a time to reflect and perhaps mourn a little. also time to laugh and feel sorry for the s*** they would get themselves into haha
Do you hate number 9?
do i hate you? hahahahaha no need to answer this one
How much do you like number 2?
great friend there..damn fun to bitch with haha
Would 14 one day kill you?
probably. i've received many death threats already. yet to be acted upon though =p
Who do you like more? 3 or 10?
hmm tough one there. probably will go with seng..can't let down my homey haha even though a pretty face is nice
oh and to everyone in the class: please come on friday alright? pretty please..it'd suck if so few of us turn up that day. its not everyday that we get to dress up real nice. there are so many ppl in the class whom i havent seen dressed in anything other than the drab sch uniform. so dress up alright? let's show nj some style haha
and i guess it works! its quite soothing actually, helps to calm the mind after being bombarded all day in school with boring lectures and other nonsense.
i find it weird when people say that they're going off now cos they gotta do work, but then i'm gonna do that right now haha. guess work is something ya can't escape in jc. you can run but ya can't hide. cya folks..
e.g. reader complains about noise level in food courts. suggests that noise level be monitored and the government send inspectors on regular checks to ensure that food establishments adhere to maximum noise limits.
well i say that is ABSOLUTELY DUMB haha. throw many people together in a social setting and they will make noise. what do you want..people to eat in silence? Haha. If the lowly food court is too noisy for you, then by all means eat in the comfort of your own home. And stop expecting the governent to fix things. its always government do this, government do that. we would be a laughing stock if we do silly things like control noise in food courts. what's next? a no talking rule on public transport? wait..i've got a brilliant idea. the government should censor punk letter writers like you and ban you from ever expressing any more opinions like this. we would save loads on ink and paper.
next, someone wrote in that all schools should go co-ed. he said that single-sex schools are sticking to antiquated ways of a bygone era. well mr smarty pants, obviously you know absolutely nothing about this thing called tradition. throwing 100+ years of tradition down the drain will surely make you a popular figure among the thousands of single sex school alumni. in case you haven't noticed, many of singapore's top leaders hail from single-sex schools. what cha got to say to that now? Ha. PWNED.
alright i'm done with my venomous rant. all views expressed here are the opinion of the hock-unit and need not necessarily be well thought-out, true or coherent. you need not believe em if you don't want to. but i don't care haha
sorry for the boring post haha. quite tired now. doing six sets of sprints during pe was fun but also tough. hence i'm saving energy now by not doing much higher-order thinking. here's my list of priorities:
and somewhere near the bottom lies blogging. so there ya go, an uninspired and lousy entry haha.
oh and i don't take too kindly to being ignored. that will be all for today folks
guess i'll take some time to reflect. gotta sort through myself and throw out all the shitty stuff so hopefully i'll feel better.
i think i've got somewhat of an elitist attitude sometimes. its totally wrong and i'm not proud of it. ain't that ironic? normally if you're elitist you're proud to be better than somebody else. I realise that alot of what i think and do is based on stereotypes. in a perfect world, stereotypes wouldn't exist. we wouldn't judge people before we meet them. well anyway i guess i adhere to many stereotypes, clinging to em like a security blanket. here's an example:
like if i see someone from a neighbourhood school i'd think that they're either some gangster or that they can't study. -.- at me for that. its the stereotype rearing its ugly head again. ditto if i see someone wearing a brand i don't like. of course i don't instantly hate that person to the guts but i'd be a little more skeptical. luckily i haven't gone over the edge yet. i'd still talk to anybody cos i'm nice like that haha. its just that i shouldnt even be making a negative judgement on people just by looking at em
but still having letting myself judge people just based on first impressions isn't healthy. first impressions are normally so inaccurate anyway.
ok next i've got somemore reflection on myself. those who know me would know that i'm quite vocal at times. and when i'm vocal i might subconsciously say unkind stuff. its cos of that damn elitist mindset i mentioned earlier. i guess i'm too big-headed sometimes. i need an ego deflation. someone please tell me that i'm not that smart, not that cool and not even that nice sometimes. I need to be brought back down to earth. somebody save me.
peace out
No not the korean fella. I hate this rainy weather. Someone turn off the tap please. I'm sick of getting drenched. I'm too
And i almost killed my phone today. I dropped it. Into a freakin puddle.
Plop. But it survived haha.
mocha frap is good.
chilling with friends is good.
open air seating and breathing in second-hand smoke is not good.
other than that its all good.
being on a caffiene high is either good or bad depending on how you look at it.
ending this post right now should be good.
go out 2 or 3 times a week
take visual stimuli in the form of shoe hunting
if need be, purchase new shoes to treat the ailment
A: What subject you taking?
B: I don't wanna take history...i don't wanna memorise so many things
A: I taking econs...
B: What? Econs need to memorise alot right...
A: No la. Econs just need to listen, like geog elect can already
HAHAHA.. They're gonna be in for a rude shock. Guess they aren't that bright...
waking up at 12
going to town like its my second home
housework! at least that's a good thing
moping around feeling depressed cos there's nothing to do
waking up at 5
going to school like its my second home
schoolwork. bah.
moping around feeling depressed cos there's too much to do
crappy friends who cheer me up
getting to wear different sneakers every day =)
so buckle up folks its gonna be a bumpy ride...
navigate using the bars above